VFXrecruit is a completely free networking community made by visual effects artists for TV and Film production people, games developers and visual effects artists and companies. The community makes it easy for people to connect to each other and companies in their field.
Artists can get noticed by setting up their own profile (showreel, portfolio, resume etc.) to best present themselves for companies and colleagues. They can link up with other artists and (post)production companies to get the latest news and be notified about new job opportunities in vfx and film production.
Companies can present their company, describe past and present film and vfx projects and post their latest news. They can post job opportunities which will be shown directly to 100s of freelancers. Companies can also link up with artists and search and find the specific freelancers and skills they require.
The aim for the website is to have all job requirements in one place, to make the job application process easier and to bring the film, games and visual effects industry closer together. We hope you enjoy the site - it is made for you...