Sunday, November 15, 2009

Gravity Sling, Fruits of the 360 iDev Conference


In September, I mentioned the 360idev conference happening in Denver.  Now I did not get to go, schedule conflicts, but I wanted to be there and I heard it was awesome.  According to Garry of Endloop Blog“This event may have been the single best experience I’ve had in my professional (and independent) career. And I say this without any hesitation - it was THAT good.”  I wish I could have been there, but I wasn’t, so here a re a few people were:

Gravity Sling, an iPhone game, was one of the fruits from the conference and was originally developed during the iPhone Game Jam by a Denver-based collaboration between Riptide Games, PyroMonkey Productions, Spatial Reasoning, Crucial Games and NoiseBuffet.   And  is now available as a free download. Try Out Gravity Sling


iPhone Game Jam was basically a 12 hour shoot-out of iPhone game developers starting Tuesday evening at around 7PM and finishing the next morning having a completed game or working prototype done.  It wasn’t really meant to be a contest, but more an intense brainstorming season resulting in a working prototype.    Here are the 17 submitted projects.

I am not going to miss it next year.