Kimball Takes her "Dream" to Big Places
Lauren Kimball, a double-major in 2D and 3D Animation at RMCAD, has been getting some unique accolades for her short film, "Perchance to Dream." First came the Gold Flamingo, then the Golden Pineapple, and now a host of other awards, film festival screenings, and even an article in an international trade magazine.
"Perchance to Dream" is based on the real-life star performer at Miami Seaquarium, Lolita the Killer Whale. The film imagines what Lolita dreams about when the audience has gone home.
The film won the Gold Flamingo—the top Audience Prize—at the South Beach International Animation Film Festival last spring. It then went on to win the Felder Film Fest Family Division’s Golden Pineapple in South Carolina this past June.
"Without RMCAD and their facility, my instructors, and my team, none of this would have been possible," Lauren said. She will graduate from RMCAD this December.
Lauren was even the focus of a story in July’s issue of Animation Reporter magazine. The article details the passion and hard work it took to bring Lolita and "Dream" to life.
The film has been or will be screened at these festivals (awards/honors in parentheses):
- Cannes Short Film Corner
- Blue Ocean Film Festival, Savannah, GA
- Bayou Inspirational Film Festival, Texas (3rd Place in the Student Category)
- Yosemite Film Festival, California (John Muir Golden Award)
- San Francisco’s Woman’s Film Institute Shorts Tour (Official Selection)
- Blue Planet Film Fest, California (Official Selection)
- Tacoma Film Festival, Washington
- Moondance International Film Festival, Colorado
- The Colorado Environmental Film Festival
- 2009 International California Animation Festival
- Artivist Film Festival, California