Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Michelangelo couldn't have designed Halo: Art History for Game Developers

This looks like an awesome event.  Check it out.

October's IGDA meeting is another special event.   John Sharp from the Savannah College of Art & Design will be here to give his GDC Lecture "Michelangelo couldn't have designed Halo: Art History for Game Devs"

The meeting will be held this Friday, October 23rd at the CU Building 14th & Larimer on the 4th floor room 470. The meeting will start at 7:30pm.

John Sharp is a game designer, art historian and educator with over 20 years experience. John's design work is focused on Twitter and social platform games, art games and non-digital games. His current research is focused on game design curriculum for after-school programs, the history of play and the early history of computer and video games.

John is a professor in the Interactive Design & Game Development department and the Art History department at the Savannah College of Art and Design-Atlanta. He also is a member of Local No. 12, a social network game collaboration; a member of The Leisure Society, an artgame collective; and a partner in Supercosm, a digital media consultancy. John’s work has been recognized by ID Magazine, the Art Director's Club and the Webby Awards.

“Michelangelo couldn’t have designed Halo: Art History for Game Devs” is the fun, informative art history class that we all wanted but never had. John Sharp, an art historian and game designer, will parallel the histories of art and games over the last 500 years. The talk will provide game developers tangible arguments to make clear the artistic power of games. It will answer essential questions to give game developers an informed historical perspective on the changing roles and statuses of art and design, and how games fit into it all.

Here is the official site: